Tn Vehicle Registration Fee. Metro vehicle regulatory fee (wheel tax) $55.00. A $23.75 fee applies to class b, which includes regular vehicles.

Tn Vehicle Registration Fee

Currently, there is a $16.75 fee for class a, which includes motorcycles. Washburn community center 2nd tuesday:

Postage And Handling (Decal Only) $2.00.

A $23.75 fee applies to class b, which includes regular vehicles.

There Are Fees Associated With Registering A Car, Including The Metro Vehicle Regulatory Fee (Wheel Tax) Of $55.00 For Private Passenger Vehicles And A Registration.

The standard plate fee for a motorcycle is $19.50.

The Tennessee General Assembly Previously Approved The Waiver In Public Chapter 1143 And It Will Last Until June 30, 2023.

Images References :

Contact Your Dmv Or State Motor Vehicle Registration Agency.

Postage and handling (new plate and decal) $5.00.

A $23.75 Fee Applies To Class B, Which Includes Regular Vehicles.

Postage and handling (decal only) $2.00.

The Standard Plate Fee For A Passenger Vehicle Is $26.50.